Actuarial Modeling
We support our clients (life as well as general insurers) in the following areas:
Actuarial methods
- valuation of insurance liabilities and economic balance sheet
- standard models vs. company-individual valuation methods
- solvency capital and economic capital
- risk allocation and limit system
- profit test and embedded value
Implementation of actuarial models
- cash-flow projection models
- risk models
- nested stochastics
- financial mathematics
- statistical data analysis and data mining
Results of actuarial models
- asset liability studies
- Solvency II
- pillar 1: balance sheet, SCR, own funds
- pillar 2: ORSA, actuarial function report
- pillar 3: QRT, narrative reporting
- data mining analyses for the extraction of information from data
Integration in business processes
- Market Consistent Embedded Value (MCEV) and New Business Value (NBV)
- risk management, governance, reporting
- use test, risk- and value-based management and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
- product strategy and strategic asset allocation under Solvency II